1、面罩 2、气瓶 3、瓶带组 4、肩带 5、报警哨 6、压力表 7、气瓶阀 8、减压器 9、背托 10、腰带组 11、快速接头 12、供给阀 如图所示,RHZK6.8/30型正压式空气呼吸器由12个部件组成,现将各部件的特点介绍如下: 面罩:为大视野面窗,面窗镜片采用聚碳酸酯材料,具有透明度高、耐磨性强、具有防雾功能,网状头罩式佩戴方式,佩戴舒适、方便,胶体采用硅胶,无毒、无味、无剌激,气密性能好。 气瓶:为铝内胆碳纤维全缠绕复合气瓶,工作压力30MPa,具有质量轻、强度高、安全性能好,瓶阀具有高压安全防护装置。 瓶带组:瓶带卡为一快速凸轮锁紧机构,并保证瓶带始终处于一闭环状态。气瓶不会出现翻转现象。 肩带:由阻燃聚酯织物制成,背带采用双侧可调结构,使重量落于腰胯部位,减轻肩带对胸部的压迫,使呼吸顺畅。并在肩带上设有宽大弹性衬垫,减轻对肩的压迫。 报警哨:置于胸前,报警声易于分辩,体积小、重量轻。 压力表:大表盘、具有夜视功能,配有橡胶保护罩。 气瓶阀:具有高压安全装置,开启力矩小。 减压器:体积小、流量大、输出压力稳定。 背托:背托设计符合人体工程学原理,由碳纤维复合材料注塑成型,具有阻燃及防静电功能,质轻、坚固,在背托内侧衬有弹性护垫,可使配戴者舒适。 腰带组:卡扣锁紧、易于调节。 快速接头:小巧、可单手操作、有锁紧防脱功能。 供给阀:结构简单、功能性强、输出流量大、具有旁路输出、体积小。
Two bottles air breathing apparatus RHZK series self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus are used widely for fire-fighting, chemical industry, shipping, laboratory, mine, pertroleum, warehose, factory and metallurgy. It can provide effetely respiratory protecting from toxic gases for fire-fighting, life-saver, rescuer and operator who working in thick smoke, steam, and oxygen deficiency hazardous atmosphere. The product was awarded the certificate of inspection by state quality testing center for fire-fighting equipment, and it is up to the China standard of GA124” self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus for fire-fighting, the breathing apparatus for shipping was authorized by the China classification society of shipping. | Model | Working preesure (Mpa) | Volume (L) | Air Deposit (L) | Using Term (min) | Alarm Pressure (Mpa) | Weight (Kg) | Packing (mm) | RHZK5/30 | 30 | 5 | 1500 | 40-50 | 4-6 | ≤12 | 755×460×290 | RHZK6/30 | 30 | 6 | 1800 | 50-60 | 4-6 | ≤14 | 755×460×290 | RHZKF6.8/30 | 30 | 6.8 | 2040 | 50-60 | 4-6 | ≤10 | 755×460×290 |